Non- Invasive Assesment of 100-. Normal Males


  • A. K. Abbasi
  • Asif Bhurgri
  • Saeed Sangi
  • Khialida Soomro
  • Qurban Kazi



Non- Invasive Assesment of 100-. Normal Males



In the history of medical practice; analysis of arterial pulse, as an indication of health or disease has been in practice since centuries. However it was not untill 1860, when MAREY analysed arterial pulse for specific cardiovascular disorders. GARROD, fourteen. years later, conclusively reported for the first time, relation of ventricular ejection time to the heart rate.  Understanding of these pressure changes and their timings, will give a better insight on our paper, which purposes, to understand phases of systole, diastole, apex cardiographjc events, arterial pulse wave changes in healthly individuals of our population.

A. Subject Selection:
100 adult males between ages 21—30 (TableJ) were selected amongst the young doctors, senior medical students, technicians, ward servants and healthy patient-.attendants, representing different geographic, social & racial sections of the province. Each had thorough history and medical examination, ECG, often X-ray chest, even M-mode ECHO check to rule out any disease (i—e MVP etc), before enlisting them into the study.

For the Assessment of STIs in 100 normal males in this study with results (Table I X) we used ECG, PCG, ACG, Rt. external carotid pulse. Our results do not differ much from the results of previous workers in this field. The minor differences noted are due to short BSA, for the subjects in study, in our populations with short LVET & prolonged PEP.



The cardiac pump performance behavior, depends on the heart rate, pre load, after load, contractile strength of myocardium and synergy. Non invasive assessment by using ECG, PCG, ACG and carotid pulse wave recordings, Every population should have their own standard values for their normal subjects in various age groups. This study aimed at it, may prove as a starting point for the workers in this field.


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How to Cite

Abbasi AK, Bhurgri A, Sangi S, Soomro K, Kazi Q. Non- Invasive Assesment of 100-. Normal Males. Pak Heart J [Internet]. 2012Oct.9 [cited 2025Mar.10];16(3). Available from:



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