Sick Sinus Syndrome: A Case Study


  • Jawed H. Siddiqui



Sick Sinus Syndrome,



During the past 15 years Sick Sinus Syndrome or sinus node disorders have been widely recognized. The term Sick Sinus Syndrome is used to describe a group of clinkal disorders of sinus node function.1 Though exact definition of Sick Sinus Syndrome varies widely in medical literature; it is characterized by inadequacy of the sinus node to work as a pacemaker provided all the extrinsic causes of pacemaker depression are ruled out. Though sinus recovery time is an important diagnostic test, in some cases it could be falsely negative. Some investigators have suggested that the corrected sinus node recovery time (CSRT); normal maximum CSRT •is• calculated to be 525 milliseconds or less. There is abnormal CSRT If calculated to be 1880 ±. 1079 mille seconds. Another electrophysiological study is senatorial conduction time (SACT). This test is not as popular as sinus node recovery time. Sometimes t is useful to perform HIS bundle electrocardiography to demonstrate abnormality of the conduction of the impulse through the AV node.


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How to Cite

Siddiqui JH. Sick Sinus Syndrome: A Case Study. Pak Heart J [Internet]. 2012Oct.3 [cited 2025Mar.10];17(2). Available from: