Extensive Calcification of Heart and Coronary Bypass Surgery


  • Navin S Thakur
  • Wader. Dimitri
  • Bryn T. Williams




Extensive Calcification of Heart and Coronary Bypass Surgery



Calcification in the heart is •often seen in. diseased aortic or mitral valves (1, . 2). .uncornmonly it is observed in diseased coronary arteries or in the fibrotic wall of cardiac a1eurysms •or infarcts (3—5). Extensive cardiac wall calcification is Unusual and therefore rarely suspected before cardiac surgery. We report such a case confirmed at surgery describing the problems posed.


Calcification in the heart was first described by Morgagni (6) and noted radiologically by Schools (7). Many pathological studies exist describing the nature of calcific lesions in the heart (8— -11). Degenerate carthac valves and diseased coronary arteries are commonly responsible for radiologically observed localised cardiac calcifications. In contrast to the myocardium, it appears that the fibrous skeleton of the heart has. From the surgical pointofview, grafting of coronary arteries embedded in calcific mass may be impossible. Such patients should be categorized in the high risk group.


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How to Cite

Thakur NS, Dimitri W, Williams BT. Extensive Calcification of Heart and Coronary Bypass Surgery. Pak Heart J [Internet]. 2012Oct.2 [cited 2025Mar.10];18(3). Available from: https://pakheartjournal1.pcs.org.pk/index.php/pk/article/view/398