Electrocardiogram In Coma Due To Intoxication


  • Zijad Durakovic
  • Anton Smalcelj
  • Asaf Durakovic
  • Senadin Durakovic
  • Naima Corovic
  • Frane Golem
  • Kruno Martinovic
  • Ibrahim Ramic




Intoxication, coma, corrected Q-T interval, malignant ventricular arrhythmia.


Changes in the circulatory system such as al terations in blood pressure, heart rate and heart rhythm may occur in a coma’3.

Patients and Methods:
A group of 20 consecutive patients admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine because of intoxication coma were studied. The following data were analyzed: age, sex, etiology of coma, time from intoxication to hospital admission, drug or poison concentration responsible for comatose state, degree of coma, electrocardiogram (constantly monitored), serum electrolyte values, blood count and acid base. The degree of the depth of coma

A total of 20 patients with intoxication coma were studied. There were more males than females (12:8) and they were frequently younger than 30 years (26.7±9.8). The patients were between 16 and 80 years. Four of these 20 patients were in degree 0, five in degree I, two in degree II, five in degree III, while four patients were in the most serious comatose state—--degree IV.

A prolonged corrected Q-T interval in ECG was found in three-quarters of the 20 patients with intoxication coma. In six patients who had taken phenothiazine, tricyclic antidepressants or organophosphates, the corrected Q-T interval was prolonged. It is well known that this parameter may be prolonged with these drugs.


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How to Cite

Durakovic Z, Smalcelj A, Durakovic A, Durakovic S, Corovic N, Golem F, Martinovic K, Ramic I. Electrocardiogram In Coma Due To Intoxication. Pak Heart J [Internet]. 2012Aug.9 [cited 2025Mar.10];26(3-4). Available from: https://pakheartjournal1.pcs.org.pk/index.php/pk/article/view/246