Comparison Of Four Nutrition Education Methods Aiming At Reduction Of Blood Lipid Levels In Children In Isfahan, Iran


  • Kelishadi R
  • Hashemipour M
  • Molayi M
  • Emami S. A
  • Soleimani B



Comparison Of Four Nutrition Education Methods Aiming


Hyperlipidemia is quite prevalent among children and adolescents in Isfahan (and
other parts of [R. Iran). Food habits, which begin to be formed from an early age, can
be improved through proper nutrition education. This study was conducted to compare
the efficiency of different methods of nutrition education of 6-18 year-old school
udents (n510) suffering from hyperlipidemia, aiming at controlling blood lipid levels
bring 1998-1999. Fasting blood samples were taken from 2100 randomly selected
hool children and analyzed for lipids. The 510 children found to be hyperlipidemic
were divided into 4 groups to whom nutrition education (similar contents) was imparted using different methods; a fifth group receiving no education served as controls. The eiperimental groups received education as follows: Group I and 2 received indirect r, pucation through their parents and their school health officers respectively; Group 3 received nutrition education directly (face-to-face, 3 monthly sessions); to the fourth P Group simple, easy-to-understand modules were given to take home and recommend i their families to study them. Fifteen months later a second blood sample was taken from all the children and analyzed.


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How to Cite

R K, M H, M M, A ES, B S. Comparison Of Four Nutrition Education Methods Aiming At Reduction Of Blood Lipid Levels In Children In Isfahan, Iran. Pak Heart J [Internet]. 2012Jul.26 [cited 2025Mar.10];32(3). Available from:



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